Banizu Nizuke: The 3 Unofficial Invader Catalogs in Spain

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Invader, the French street artist, is renowned for his street art mosaics, and his publications such as Invasion Guides provide insights into the artist’s perspective of his work. One such publication is his Catalogs. As with anything Invader makes, people attempt to replicate his style to pay Invader tribute. Today, we will be diving into one such example, Banizu Nizuke.


What is Banizu Nizuke?

Banizu Nizuke is a non-profit cultural association dedicated to the dissemination of contemporary culture. The full Basque name of the association is Banizu Nizuke kultur-antolakuntza eta difusio elkartea, translated to English, Banizu Nizuke Cultural Organization and Dissemination Association.

The projects the association chooses are based on an awareness of the need to address neglected segments of the Basque cultural heritage that are in possible danger of being lost. As such, Banizu Nizuke catalogs cultural heritage so it doesn’t get lost to time. We not only publish books, but we archive documentation and organize exhibitions, workshops, and the BALA (Bilboko Arte Liburu Azoka) fair, the association states.


Bilbao Invaded Catalog

Bilbao Invaded is a book that documents Invader’s 2 waves of invasions in Bilbao, Spain. This book has two editions, one published in 2010 and another in 2019.

The Bilbao Invasions featured 40 invaders worth 1110 points in total in the FlashInvaders app, with both waves taken in 2007, one in October and one in December. Bilbao is a vibrant city in northern Spain, serving as the largest urban center in the Basque Country.



2010 Version

The first edition, with 120 pages, is 17 x 12 cm in size, and is in Basque, Spanish, and English. It has a hardcover stitched with a dust jacket. ISBN: 978-85-613-8153-1.

2019 Version

The 2019 version of Bilbao Invaded was a more refined version of the first. In fact, the book was so refined that it even fooled the art platform Artsy into believing this book was an official release by Invader. The second edition is 16.7 x 14 cm in size with 108 pages. It also has a rustic bound with leather cover flaps. ISBN: 978-84-940193-9-5.


Malaga Invaded Catalog with Invasion Map

Malaga was invaded in 2017. The Invasion featured 29 invaders worth 1020 points in the FlashInvaders app. Malaga is a coastal city located in southern Spain, known for its beautiful beaches and rich cultural heritage, but it is not part of the Basque Country.



With a page count of 96, the Malaga Invaded catalog was published in 2021 and sized 16.7 x 14 cm with thread-sewn softcover and flaps. ISBN: 978-84-121490-2-9. In addition, it features an unofficial Invasion Map.


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New Paris Invader Mosaics PA_1532-1535: March 2025