Is the True Identity of Invader Revealed?

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Various theories and rumors have circulated over the years as to who Invader might be, but no definitive proof has emerged. When appearing in public, Invader often wears a mask or disguises himself to prevent being recognized. But, the question is, has his mask finally been taken off?



Who is Invader?

Invader is the pseudonym of a French street artist renowned for his mosaic tile works inspired by the pixelated graphics of the 1970s-80s video games. His art primarily features characters from the classic arcade game Space Invaders. Despite his global recognition, Invader has maintained his anonymity.

Global Space Invasion

Invader's works can be found in cities worldwide, from Paris to Hong Kong, Los Angeles to Tokyo. Each installation is part of what he refers to as an Invasion, in which he systematically cataloged each piece with a unique code and GPS coordinate. With the help of FlashInvaders, the official app published by Invader, this methodical approach has turned his street art into a global scavenger hunt for fans.

The Identity Enigma

While Invader's art is publicly accessible, his identity remains behind closed doors. Like other anonymous street artists such as Banksy, Invader keeps his real name and face hidden to maintain the focus on his art rather than his persona. This anonymity also allows him to operate outside the constraints of legal and commercial pressures.

Related Topic: The Motive of Invader


Is he Franck Slama?

A simple internet search will show you that Invader is Franck Slama. Then you click on Invader’s official website, and you realize Franck Slama is the real name of Invader. Everything seems legit until you dig a little deeper.

The fact is, these articles and online resources lack the proof and evidence of his identity. Everyone just assumes he is Franck Slama, without referencing other sources.

Invader hasn't said anything about his real identity on his social media or his website. The only thing he stated is that Invader is his pseudonym instead of his real name.

I define myself as an UFA, an Unidentified Free Artist.



what we know

What we can confirm is that he was born in France, with quite a lot of proof to support this statement:

Firstly, his very first few mosaics were located there.



Related Topic: The Origins of Invader


Secondly, there are more than 1500 mosaics located in Paris, the capital of France, further proving that he was born in France. In total, there are only 4198 Invaders located worldwide, but more than one-third of his mosaics are located in the city of Paris.

In addition, if you click on the World Invasion page on his website, the center of the world map is France, perhaps a hint by Invader. Another detail on his website is that it provides the option of the language French interchangeable with English in the top right-hand corner, though this evidence itself is not compelling.

I then had the idea of deploying my creatures on the walls of Paris and soon after in cities around the world.

Finally, it seems that he primarily speaks French. This can be seen on his social media, either on Instagram or Facebook.


Why the Mystery?

The choice to remain anonymous is part of the hook, adding a layer of intrigue and excitement to his installations, which entices audiences to engage with his art on a deeper level. The mystery surrounding Invader's identity also emphasizes the ubiquity and universality of his art, suggesting that it could belong to anyone.

With mystique and the sense of unknown added to his identity, he drives the focus to the work instead of himself. He allows his pieces to speak for themselves rather than using his fame to exaggerate his artworks as something they are not. His mosaics are not about the person behind, but for the passerby to enjoy. Of course, the anonymity protects him from legal issues related to authorization, allowing him to continue his work without obstacles.

Invader's identity remains one of the art world's greatest mysteries. His ability to spread his motive with his invasion and put a unique niche in street art out there for people to enjoy while remaining completely anonymous is truly stupendous. Imagine if his true identity is ever revealed, where will the fun be?



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