Invasion of Seoul: All of Invader's 12 Newest Mosaics
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On the 21st of October, Invader publicly announced on Instagram that he is currently invading the city of Seoul. It raised a lot of attention as it was the first wave of invasion in the capital of South Korea. Since the announcement, Invader has installed 12 mosaics on the streets of Seoul.
Here is everything we know about the mosaics installed thus far. (29 October 2024)
The Full Collection
Next to a green sticker placed by Invader, the first mosaic SL_01 is installed next to a car park, combining the color scheme of the Korean flag and the body of Invader’s iconic Space Invader character.
credit: @5p4c3_hunt3r
Located near a comic book cafe, SL_02 is the second piece of the invasion. It depicts a red lantern with two Invaders inside. Sadly, shortly after the installation, the mosaic was partly destroyed.
Destroyed SL_02
credit: @5p4c3_hunt3r
Located on a ledge above a road sign, SL_03 is another mosaic using the color scheme of the Korean flag. Also, Invader placed a classic black and white sticker next to his work.
credit: @5p4c3_hunt3r
SL_04 is a similar mosaic to SL_01. The squared mosaic depicts a variation of Invader’s Space Invader subjects in a mix of red, blue, and white, with a wave pattern for its background.
With what seems to be a mailbox or letterbox, SL_05 is placed in an alley, depicting a blue object with a white border and a small invader. However, the native mailbox of Seoul is red, making us unsure what it is supposed to be, or what message Invader is trying to convey.
Close to a Niche Ramen store, SL_06 depicts a red Space Invader held by a pair of chopsticks tightly. Unfortunately, this mosaic is also removed within a few days after the installation.
Placed next to a car park, SL_07 is the seventh piece of the puzzle. It depicts a cherry blossom, a kind of flower that symbolizes purity and beauty in South Korea, with a tiny white Invader in the center of the flower.
Placed next to a restaurant, SL_08 is another mosaic in a rectangle with the wave pattern from SL_04 but with the colors inverted.
Next to one of the many 7-Elevens in Seoul, SL_09 depicts one of Korea’s signature alcoholic beverages, soju. Sadly, however, the piece was removed 10 minutes after the store opened. Luckily, Invader managed to save the mosaic for another spot.
SL_10 features a Space Invader flower with leaves under it, located near a store selling phone accessories.
The yellow backgrounded SL_11, installed on the same street as SL_10, includes a black Invader, possibly referencing the color theme of its location.
SL_12 is another mosaic that takes inspiration from the color scheme of the South Korean flag. It is placed on a concrete wall with pipes surrounding it. On the 28th of October, the mosaic was destroyed anonymously.
We solved the puzzle, what’s next?
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